Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Popular Justice

When I was in Berkeley (visiting John) we hung out in people's park. There was a scuffle between two people in the park. As one man who had apparently, if I recall correctly, taken another's spot and/or was infringing on another group's space, those around him began to tell him to leave. It escalated quickly into yelling and shouting, with people gathering to quell potential violence and to try and evict the man because he was become rowdy. It was when the man A threatened to call the police that people yelled "cop caller!" and the man had no option but to leave.
(And John, please correct me on the story to the extent of your memory)

A microcosm for popular justice, what do you guys think of how justice should be carried out? Today's system of a state observer (a 'judge') brings up interesting questions of bourgeoisie control and influence. It is no question that American justice (though this is reflection internationally) is slow and questionable in it's decisions. In an alternative society, how would justice be carried out?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

On campus poster

a regression of progression. should we be animals? are we becoming machines? the hyperreal is consuming us all, and how can we pierce through it?

Monday, August 9, 2010

What are y'alls thoughts about prefiguring alternative societies? Does it work, How does one do it, and what would they look like?

Friday, July 30, 2010

Thanks Jauzey. I noticed that you started posting and I'll read your posts later I have to sleep right now.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

French banning of the veil?

The French banning of the veil sits extremely close to home. I'm from a Muslim household and even though I think of myself as "radical" in many senses, I still identify as a Muslim. When I first read about the banning of the veil in France I was outraged. Quite honestly, I didn't see any difference between a state forcing women to wear the veil and one forcing women not to. Though the veil has taken itself to be the symbol of women's oppression in Muslim countries, many Muslim women wear the veil of their own choosing. Even within my own family my mother and my sister both wear the veil, yet both do it of their own choosing. Actually my mother didn't start wearing the veil until my sister started in 9th grade. That was approximately 20 years after my parents married each other. Though my father is quite religious and he is active in the Muslim community, not once did he try to force my mother to wear the veil. In Islam, one of the main tenets of the religion comes from a verse in the Quran: "There is no compulsion in religion." Though many around the world seek to ignore this verse and adopt fundamentalist and extreme methods of spreading their belief, that doesn't mean all Muslims are these people. That doesn't mean all women who wear the veil were forced to. Here is a letter from the British Socialist Resistance on the banning of the veil:

July 26, 2010 -- Throughout Europe there is a growing movement that seeks to ban Muslim women who chose to do so from wearing the veil. In Britain today this demand comes mainly from the far-right British National Party (BNP), UK Independence Party (UKIP) and some individuals on the Conservative Party (Tory) right. Things though may change for the worse, already the Tory tabloids are stirring on this question.

This is but one part of a growing Islamophobic trend which has seen Muslim minorities become even more marginalised and demonised in Western Europe than they were previously. Though this demand originated on the far right it is now increasingly taken up by the mainstream bourgeois parties culminating in the recent decision of the French parliament to make wearing the veil a criminal offence. In France what is equally shameful is the failure of most of the French left to oppose it in any meaningful way, members of the Greens, the Socialist Party and the Communist Party having abstained on this law in the French parliament.

The demand to ban the veil is created around a myth. One that proclaims that the so-called progressive and democratic values of Western society must be upheld against the misogynistic, backwards and feudal nature of the Islamic faith. One aspect of this myth is that the "modern and democratic" Israel must be supported against the "backward and totalitarian" Arab regimes of the Middle East. In other words this is a white racist myth that serves as a rationale for Western Imperialist domination.

It is certainly true that Muslim fundamentalist regimes such as the Wahhabi rulers of Saudi Arabia have been the most misogynistic to exist in modern times. It is equally true though that the Saudi Arabian regime has had the active support of the Western imperialist powers since its formation after World War I and could never have survived without that support.

Those on the left who may be tempted to join in the Islamophobic chorus and support the banning of the veil would do well to reflect on the fact holders of extreme misogynistic positions are also very much alive and kicking in Western Europe today. While the French parliament was debating whether or not to ban the veil the Vatican came out with a proclamation declaring the ordination of women priests to be a crime on a par with the sexual abuse of children! We should focus on the Vatican and other reactionary forces in our own midst who have consistently opposed every advance of women’s rights.

Our position is clear; we support the right of Muslim women or indeed any woman who freely chooses to do so to wear the veil. We may well disagree with their decision but forced liberation by banning the veil is no liberation at all.

The move to ban the veil has no more to do with women’s rights than a proposal to ban halal and kosher slaughter has to do with animal rights. They are both examples of bigots seeking to discriminate against ethnic/cultural minorities, and finding a progressive-sounding slogan to disguise the racist content of their proposals. It is hightly problematic that some people on the left fall for this sleight of hand.

There is a long history of socialists grappling with the best way of fighting religious ideas. All experience so far points to the idea that it is pointless to agitate or legislate against religion and religious symbols. Instead the most effective approach is to work with people on demands that reflect their immediate interests, to build unity, develop their self-confidence and class consciousness, and in that way to reduce the impact of religious ideas.

In a time of economic recession the Muslim communities can and have become a convenient scapegoat for diverting attention away from the ongoing capitalist crisis and who is responsible for that crisis. This is why in France and elsewhere in Europe the mainstream bourgeois right is increasingly going over to the overtly Islamophobic positions of the far right. The demand to ban the veil is but one aspect of the political right’s Islamophobia, it has absolutely no progressive content whatsoever.

Also, let me know if this type of post is at all appropriate to this blog, John/Ian?

State and Communal Socialism

I discovered that site a while back, and was really quite interested by this article: It essentially covers how communialism is coming back in present day Venezuela. State socialism has failed time and time again in the past, with Russia and China being the prominent example. After thinking about this, I think the main reason is the existence of a vanguard party of "professional" revolutionaries. If Russia had revolted and established a "socialist" state up immediately after the first onslaught of revolution (ie the massive strikes established all over Russia which initially deposed the Czar) without the Bolshevik party leading the new government would there be any change in it ending up just being a state run version of the individual capitalist framework? Now don't think I'm a staunch supporter of state-socialism, I'm not. It's simply an idea amongst many. The other aspect is taking into account something like the Paris Commune, a truly exceptional example of working socialism --that is until the rest of France noticed and tore it down. Which brings up why communal societies might fail. They're established in the framework of capitalism and thus capitalism might very well go in and reseize what it thinks is rightfully its. However, what happens when socialism establishes itself at both a state and local level? Watching Venezuela in the next few years should be at the forefront of socialist parties around the world. We might finally have a solution.

Cooperation in present-day Argentina

A really interesting and short look at the cooperation filling the void competition left behind in present-day Argentina after the 2001 uprising.

It introduces the question of whether we can form these same small suburban cooperatives in present-day America.